Studio Mario & Marco Gaballo Engineering provides specific technical-planning advice with regard to Urban Planning, Architecture and Architectural Engineering.

Studio Gaballo Engineering – Planning of housing development sectors no. 10 and 11- Nardò (LE) ITALY-
The firm has been operating in the field of town planning and building for over 40 years.
Commitment, passion, professionalism, innovation and quality are the values that have always guided the firm.
In particular, Studio Gaballo Engineering operates in the following sectors:
- town planning;
- architectural design and construction supervision of residential, tourist, catering and manufacturing facilities in general;
- planning of Restoration jobs regarding buildings of special architectural and artistic value;
- sustainable architectural design and energy saving;
- restyling and energy efficiency of existing homes;
- structural design;
- fire prevention design
- technical consultancy in the field of town planning and construction.
In-depth knowledge in various areas of operation, the experience gained over time in step with continuing professional development (with special interest in technological innovation and solutions), as well as an efficient, rigorous and coordinated organization and works management, inside and outside the firm, ensure complete and optimal Integral Design within the building trade.
The firm’s research and innovation activities (including reports on conferences, lectures in specialized courses, publications, articles, etc.) focus in particular on two fronts:
- Sustainable architectural design and energy saving;
- Restyling and Energy Efficiency improvement of existing buildings;
- Innovative technical-constructive solutions for interventions on existing buildings, such as structural reinforcement with fibre-reinforced materials (fabrics with carbon fibres, steel, glass, etc.) and pre-assembled construction technologies, anti-seismic and with a high degree of thermal insulation (mixed polystyrene-concrete, concrete-steel floors, etc.).